Les Holons

art pariétal & espace public : sculpture, gravure, mapping vidéo, parcours d'affiches

Augmented reality

Invisible Mirepoix – 2018

Memories transpire from the walls and appear in broad daylight, traces mingle and overlap. And the facades begin to speak: the posters glued to the walls murmur via smartphone the speech of the inhabitants. Posters are posted for a few…

Interview of Aymeric Reumaux in the Colporteur, cultural magazine – 2017

Special file about the Holons of St Girons in LE COLPORTEUR N ° 2 (September 2017), cultural magazine of the community of communes of Couserans-Pyrenees. Holons de St-Girons: Entering dreams, between order and chaos Computer programmer, cartoonist, visual artist, performer,…

The Dream Office – St Girons (France)

In spring 2017, Aymeric Reumaux and Véronik De Bisschop are invited in St Girons for a creation with the inhabitants. They open for the occasion a Dream Office, in a vacant shop on the main street of the city, where…

Walter, retired pastry chef – Verdun/ Garonne

Lively diptych portrait of Walter, retired pastry chef [topswf swf=’http://holons.online.fr/wp-content/uploads/walter_3.swf’ width=’500′ height=’750′ quality=’best’ wmode=’transparent’ scale=’default’ flashvars=” allowfullscreen=’fal

holon des champs, augmented reality installation

“Van Gogh was one of those natures of superior lucidity that allow them, in all circumstances, to see further, infinitely and dangerously further than the immediate and apparent reality of the facts.” Antonin Artaud What if a device of augmented…

holons de Garonne, diptych portraits of the inhabitants – Verdun / Garonne (France)

The digital revolution in which we entered twenty years ago marks a decisive anthropological break through the reconfiguration of our relationship to time, space and others. We can then easily imagine that in a few generations, man will have changed…

Patrice, archaeologist – 2014

Holons de Garonne, diptych portraits – 2014

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