Memories transpire from the walls and appear in broad daylight, traces mingle and overlap. And the facades begin to speak: the posters glued to the walls murmur via smartphone the speech of the inhabitants.
Posters are posted for a few days or a few months, depending on the wind, the rain and the sun, until there is no more image on the wall, but remains in each one what René Char named “The traces that make you dream”.
The device works with the Mirepoix Invisible app, available on Google Play and App Store since April 2018.
Mirepoix Invisibles is born from a residency of territory initiated by MIMA, financed by the DRAC Occitanie, Leader / Europe and the Community of Communes of the Pays de Mirepoix.
Special thanks for their collaboration in this project to the children of the schools of Rieucros and Caudeval, the teenagers of the high school of Mirepoix, the residents of the EHPAD, the inhabitants of the Pays de Mirepoix, the Land of Art and History.